Family Owned and Operated For Over 30 Years
Bob's Transmission & Automotive Service
Family Owned and Operated For Over 30 Years


Transmission Repair near St Charles, MO

We're located in Maryland Heights, MO

If you are not familiar with the inner workings of your car, you may be easily intimidated by maintenance and repair needs. One of the more unsettling issues people experience involves their transmission.

However, you do not have to worry about transmission repairs when you come to Bob's Transmission & Automotive Service. We will make sure to explain everything clearly to you and take care of the problem completely. Read on to learn more about our transmission repair service in St. Charles, MO.

Transmission repair sounds intimidating, but if caught early enough, repairing your transmission can be a relatively simple process. The experts at Bob's Transmission & Automotive Service can inspect your transmission and take care of the necessary issues so that you can have peace of mind knowing that your vehicle is safe for the road and not a potential danger to yourself, your passengers, or other drivers.

For more information about our transmission repair services, contact us by calling (314) 291-8890.

Bob’s Transmission and Auto Service provides the finest, most complete transmission repair for vehicles in St. Louis County. Our Maryland Heights shop provides complete transmission repair by our certified transmission specialists. Whether you need a simple transmission repair, or a complete transmission replacement, our team of mechanics will take care of the hard work for you. Our technicians are all certified by the Automatic Transmissions Rebuilders Association (ATRA). All of our work is done on site, and our transmissions are rebuilt on site.
Mechanic performing transmission repair on a vehicle near St Charles, MO

Transmission Services We Provide

We offer a variety of transmission services for trucks, cars, commercial vehicles and fleet vehicles. We provide honest services, and fair prices for all of our work. Our transmission services include: 
• Clutches
• Standards
• Automatics
• Differentials
• Allison Transmission
• Foreign & Domestic
• Complete Driveshaft Service
• Differential Service

• Medium Duty Trucks
• Driveline Repair
• CV Joints & Axles
• 4x4's & Transfer Cases
• Standard Clutch Kit Replacement
• High Performance Transmission
• Street Rods, Classic Cars, & Trucks
• European Cars

Come to Bob’s Transmission and Auto Service Today 
for Transmission Service!

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